Tuesday, November 9, 2010


About a year ago, the Rupps asked us if we'd be up for a little vacation to celebrate Rick's 40th birthday (which was November 2nd).  I was pregnant at the time but figured that our baby would be nearly a year old by the time we'd be going on this vacation so we should be fine.  As the time approached to make plans, I was wondering why on earth I had said yes.  I hadn't left Calleigh for more than an afternoon or evening and never overnight.  How would we cope for 4 days without eachother??!!  Well, I don't think Calleigh even noticed we were gone. :-(  And I missed my baby but had a great time hanging out - adults only!

 Hanging out by the pool.

 The birthday boy!  Can you believe this hottie is 40??!!  :-)

 We "kids" had a blast going down the slide at the hotel pool.

Before we left for Florida, we hung out at Nick and Megan's and got the kids dressed up in their costumes.  Heidi, Tony and Dane came over to play, too.
Dechlan "Mickey Mouse" Fieberkorn, Dane "Moo Cow" VanNest, Calleigh "Ladybug" Webster

 Calleigh and Dechlan checking themselves out in the door.
 Dechlan and Calleigh checking out their treats from Grandma and Grandpa Fieberkorn.

 Calleigh stayed with Oma and Opa while we were in Florida.  They took her trick-or-treating at the neighbor's house.
Of course she didn't get to eat any candy this year but apparently taking each piece of candy out of her pail, inspecting it and then putting it back in her pail was a lot of fun.