Calleigh had her one year check up today. She is weighing in at 20lb 10oz, which is in the 45th percentile (up from the 25th percentile at her 9 mo. checkup) and is 30" tall, which is in the 80th percentile (up from the 50th percentile at her 9 mo. checkup). I think all of this growing has occured in the last couple weeks. She has been wearing the same clothes (especially pants) for what seems like forever and then all of the sudden they seem incredibly small on her. She showed the doctor a little of her attitude today. She's a "look but don't touch" kind of girl lately. She's all smiles if you're paying attention to her from afar but if you want to do anything to her (change her diaper, clean her ears, put her clothes on, etc) she turns on the tears. The doctor says that's all girl! And so the drama begins!
Jammin on her new piano from Grandpa and Grandma Fieb.
Just chillin'
Giving Daddy smooches.
I've mentioned before that Calleigh loves giving kisses. She cracked me up the other day when she wanted to give Dora the Explorer a kiss. What was so funny about it was that Dora is not a toy that she has but she's on the container of yogurt that I buy for her. So now every time she has yogurt, she has to give Dora kisses.