Wednesday, June 29, 2011

18 Months Old

Our baby is 18 months old already and doesn't really seem like a baby anymore.  She's such a busy body, running all over the place.  She is saying a lot of words and seems to be picking up a new one everyday (time to watch what we say!) and is even starting to string words together.  Our favorite thing to hear her say these days is "There you go."  We also love hearing all the animal sounds she makes.  At her checkup, on Monday, she weighed 23.6 lbs, which is in the 34th percentile, and she was around the 80th percentile for her height.  Long and lean - not sure where she gets that from!  She still loves to give hugs and kisses, which is one thing I really hope never changes.  She is still crazy for books, although she usually can't sit still long enough these days to read one all the way through, unless it's bedtime and then she wants to read every book on the shelf.  She's a pretty good eater most of the time.  Her favorites are yogurt, nearly any fruit and cheese.  She's also a big fan of ice cream.  Did I mention that she's stubborn?  Yeah, this girl knows what she wants and what she doesn't.  And she's pretty impatient (just ask Russ where she gets that from).  Oh, and what a funny little girl she is, constantly cracking us up with all her goofy expressions and all the silly little things she does.  Here are some favorites from the last few months.

Headfirst down the slide.  "Catch me, Mommy!"
 Little bookworm
 Calleigh and Elmo rooted on the Redwings during the playoffs.
 She also helped Daddy cheer them on.
The thumb isn't always in the mouth, but when it is, the right hand is playing with the little bit of curls she has in the back.
Having a little pity party because she didn't get what she wanted.
Pity party is over!
"Where is Calleigh's belly?"
Hitting the books once again.
Bath time is fun time!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Something that Calleigh and her daddy have in common - 
a love of Superman ice cream!


We were finally able to meet Lilly and Layla (my step-brother Jim's twin girls) over Memorial Day weekend.  They were born 3+ months premature last July and haven't gotten out of the house much until recently. 
Layla wearing the tutu and barrette I made for her.

 Lilly, in her tutu, on Russ' lap.

 The expression on Layla's face just kills me!  I love it!!

 Calleigh and Dechlan hugging.  Well, actually, Calleigh gave Dechlan a hug and he wanted nothing to do with it.  Pictures can be deceiving. ;)

 "So, you been farming long?"

 Hmm, is she going in for a kiss or the kill???

Cute, cute cousins.

Slippin and a slidin

We got the chance to visit the Rupps over Memorial Day weekend, too.  Calleigh had a blast on the slip 'n slide with J.D. and Ella.