Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kalahari 2012

Well, Calleigh wasn't quite as timid as she was last year at the waterpark but she still didn't want to jump right in and do everything this year.

 Snacktime with Dechlan.

D wasn't afraid of anything!

 Having a good time on dry land.

Winter Fun Up North

We visited Gramps and Grandma in Lewiston a couple weeks ago.  There was a little snow up there but not nearly what you'd expect to see this time of year.  We had a little fun in the snow and a good time visiting.

Sled ride with Daddy

 Reading with Great-Grandma
 Calleigh thought Great-Grandpa's binoculars were a lot of fun to play with.
 Great-Grandpa joined Calleigh to watch a little Dora the Explorer.