Thursday, December 10, 2009

Baby Webster is finally here!

It's a girl!
Calleigh Kaye was born on Monday, December 7th at 6:30am. She weighed 6lb 10oz and was 20 inches long.
Calleigh and Daddy
Calleigh and Mommy
Our first family photo.
This girl has some big feet! She gets those from her daddy.
Our little sweet pea.
Calleigh and Oma
Calleigh and Opa
Calleigh and Grandma Webster
Calleigh and Grandpa Webster
Calleigh and Uncle Chad
Snug as a bug in her swing at home.
Calleigh's first nap with Daddy on the couch.
Oma reading Calleigh Christmas stories.


Kristee LoU, Andy, Alex and Tess said...

Adorable! We can't wait to meet her!!! Good job mama (and daddy)!

The Frosts said...

She's beautiful! What a great Christmas present. Congrats!