Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Weiderman Weekend 2011

Weiderman Weekend was in Houghton Lake this year.  We stayed at a resort right on the lake.  Of course, it rained off and on all day Saturday and was cool so we didn't get a chance to really take advantage of the lake.  It was fun to see many of the '09 babies together again.  They're much more mobile than last year!
Calleigh and Dechlan
 Most of the Weiderman ladies
 Nick, Pete and Russ hanging out by the grills.
 "Scoot over D!"  
"No way, get your own chair!"
 Hanging with Opa.
Chloe was Calleigh's buddy.  She had lots of fun playing with her over the weekend.
Lots of fun on the swings.
 D getting squeezes from his daddy.

 Left thumb in mouth, right hand twirling hair.  
One can't happen without the other. :)
 A little karaoke while it rains.
 McKenna enjoying her sweet corn.
 Darren goofing around.
 We had our annual Weiderman Weekend trophy competition.  Here are the winners for this year.
 Owen trying to drop his penny in just the right spot in the egg container.

Due to rain, the rest of the competition had to be moved indoors.  Looks like the kiddies are whooped.

Heidi trying to blow all the cards, except the Kings, off the table.
 Mom trying to beat Heidi's time.
 Jody won this one!
 Chloe and Barb putting together the cereal box puzzle.
 Carrie's candy elevator has just about reached her mouth! 
 Jim bouncing marbles into each cup.
Darren, McKenna and Dane playing their own little card game.
2011 Family Photo

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