Friday, August 3, 2012

Max's First Month

Our first attempt at a family picture.  Calleigh has decided she hates having her picture taken and refused to get in the picture, so...
just Mommy, Daddy & Max.

We've had quite a few visitors since we came home from the hospital.  Here's Calleigh and Dechlan checking on Max.

Calleigh doing a little loving on her little brother.

Max sure does a lot of smiling and laughing while he's sleeping, along with a whole lot of grunting and groaning.  He's the noisiest sleeper I've ever heard!


Calleigh helped give Max his first bath. 

She loves to cuddle Max...
and give him lots of hugs and kisses.

Calleigh being goofy when Great-Grandma, Great-Grandpa and Aunt Karla came to visit.

Relaxing poolside at Grandma and Grandpa Webster's.

Max getting some love from Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Stringer.

My dapper little guy.


Max's first dip in a pool.  After the initial shock, he loved it.

Once again, I'm shocked by how fast the time has gone!  It's definitely a little crazier around here with two.  Calleigh seems to be adjusting pretty well.  She loves to help with Max and has to know where he is and what he's doing all the time.  She has her moments, though, when she gets a bit jealous and can become pretty high maintenance.  I'm grateful she hasn't asked us to send him back though!

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